Name: Nathan Grinalds
Status at Tulane: NSF REU Recipient from High Point University
Office: 227 Stanley Thomas Hall
Email: ngrinalds [at] tulane.edu
Project: 2-Dimensional Materials
Growing up in Liberty Lake, WA, a small town located in the foothills of the rocky mountains near the WA/ID border, Nathan Grinalds is a native of the Pacific Northwest. He currently studies at High Point University in High Point, NC and plans to graduate in 2020 with degrees in Chemistry (BS) and Physics (BA). Nathan’s research interests are diverse as they span physical chemistry, organic chemistry, and astronomy. He joined the Escarra group in the summer of 2019 and is focused on the fabrication and characterization of 2D optoelectronic materials. Specifically, he has been tasked with mastering the transfer of MoS2 to substrates of interest. He also aided in the development and characterization of a dielectric to be used in a top-gate FET. Nathan is passionate about human exploration of space and would like to attend graduate school and eventually develop materials to be used in space vehicles. Outside of academics, Nathan loves hiking, backpacking, bike riding, rowing, playing the piano, and painting.
Favorite things about New Orleans: Food, music, friendly folk, and the aspects of its culture that are completely unique to the state of Louisiana.